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From Steve – August I
on August 1, 2020

Dear Friends,

Greetings!  I hope you are enjoying the many blessings given to us by a gracious Lord.  At the height of the COVID -19 pandemic, we were mandated to remain isolated, prevented from visiting our favorite places, doing our favorite activities, or, worst of all, forbidden from being with family and friends.  I am amazed at today’s technology, however, a Zoom meeting with my friends or a video call from my grandchildren just does not cut it.  I am a people person.   I need to shake hands, give high fives, and, most importantly, give my family hugs.

This time reaffirmed what are most important to me: faith, family, and friends.  Jeremiah 29:11 served as a constant reminder that our God knows the plans He has masterfully created for us.  Plans to prosper us and not to harm us.  I clung to this Scripture, and I pray it was your lifeline as well.  Now that restrictions are lifting, I am like a “kid in a candy store.” I get to be with my friends and live life with them again.  Once again, Barb and I can be with our children and spoil our grandchildren.  It is in our nature as humans to have intimate, deep relationships with those we hold dear.  I will always cherish the relationships the Lord has brought into my life.  After being away from them, a new appreciation has formed.  I will not waste another minute of my time, and I will hold fast to my family and friends.

I pray the Lord has been real to you in these past days!



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