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From Steve – July II
on July 15, 2020
Dear friends,

It is hard to believe that it is already July!  Soon, 2020 will be half over.  Most of us are looking forward to saying goodbye to this trying year.  Regardless of the circumstances or situations, through it all, our God is faithful and His promises are true.  As followers of Jesus or as members of our local churches, we were forced to find new and creative ways to continue being His church despite our buildings being closed.  I heard from pastors within my local community, as well as from across the country, as they shared the numerous ways in which their congregations were actively going out and being the hands and feet of Christ.  How beautiful is that? 

Everything about COVID-19 has been a burden.  I missed seeing friends.  I missed shaking hands.  I missed hugging people at church.  I missed watching the race on Sunday afternoons.  However, I enjoyed spending more quality time with my wife.  I took joy in the small things I had taken for granted so many times.  I made it a priority to connect with my family and friends on the telephone.  I enjoyed the simplicity of slowing down and realized everything I had to be thankful for. 

I pray 2020 ends far better than it started, but I am thankful for the lessons brought during this season! 


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