Dear Friend,
The ministry is rushing into a very fun time of the year, but it is also a very busy time! Please be in fervent prayer for all of the ministry areas, for those who will be working or volunteering their time with us, and those whom we will have the honor of speaking the name of Jesus to.
We are holding an Open House at the Lodestar Mountain Inn on Saturday, April 20, so please come and see what the Lord is doing. You will be amazed and in awe of the greatness of God!
Our second class of OneLife students will be graduating at Lodestar Mountain Inn the first weekend of May, and plans are being made and implemented for the new students who will bless us with their presence in the fall.
Finally, summer will be here before we know it, and we will kick-off the season at our 9th Annual Memorial Day Community Celebration on Monday, May 27 at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Come Together.” As believers in the One true God, we must be one united body in praise and in prayer for our nation. It must not become necessary for the rocks to cry out!