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Wingfield Ministries OneLife Banquet (Gordonsville, PA)
on May 8, 2022

Join us for dinner on Tuesday, May 10 at Stoltzfus Homestead & Gardens, 3716 East Newport Road, Gordonsville, PA  17529, as we highlight and celebrate the partnership between Wingfield Ministries and the OneLife Institute.  This sponsored event will feature Evangelist Steve Wingfield; Josh Beers, President of the OneLife Institute; and special music performed by Derrick ByDeLey.  OneLife is a gap year program where students will live at the Lodestar Mountain Inn for nine months and learn invaluable lessons in servanthood and evangelism.  This program will provide a wonderful opportunity to invest in the next generation of Christian leaders who will be empowered to change the world for Christ.  All tax-deductible donations received from this banquet will help fund the construction of dormitories for the OneLife gap year program at the Lodestar Mountain Inn.

RSVP by calling Terry Wyant-Vargo at (540) 236-5989.

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