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From Steve – May II
on May 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

Philippians 1:3 (NIV) says, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” This verse is very true in my life. You cannot minister for over four decades without remembering those who have been there through it all. I take those moments of reflection to pray over a lot of people. To me, prayer is one of the greatest things you can do for another person. It is a privilege and a responsibility to bring our petitions and those of others before the throne of the Lord.

In this season, I am praising the Lord for the amazing journey He has led me on. His blessings are new and fresh every morning, and He has held true to His word to never leave nor forsake me. I humbly ask that you remember this ministry in your daily prayers. As you probably know, we are gearing up to welcome our inaugural students enrolled in the OneLife gap year program to the Lodestar Mountain Inn. To do so properly, we need to finish construction of both dormitories by August. This is an immense undertaking and we need an act of God’s providence for this to come to fruition. I have faith that the Lord will see this project through to its completion. While I am praying for the dormitories to be completed by August, I trust that if they are not, He has something better planned in His infinite wisdom and grace.

Please join me in prayer daily for the construction needs, but most importantly for the students who will call these dorms home.


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