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From Steve – October II
on October 15, 2023

Dear Friend,

As the leaves are nearing their fullest potential for amazingly brilliant colors and as we inch closer to the winter season, now is a great time to take a scenic drive over to the Lodestar Mountain Inn.  We truly live in an incredible area of our beautiful country.  Within hours we can go from standing on the beach and enjoying the waves breaking and crashing onto the shore to standing atop a mountain in awe of the picturesque creation of an awesome God.  The Lord has placed so much beauty around us to embrace and enjoy.  I implore you to take advantage of these breathtaking opportunities!

Our God truly loves us and has given us such beauty to behold all around us.  Are your eyes open, and are you available to receive such a gift?  Please allow me to challenge you to intentionally live for every moment.  Don’t overlook the small things that we tend to take for granted.  Experience everything the Lord has placed in front of you.  Thank Him for His majestic creation, down to the smallest detail.  Glorify Him for what He has given you!

In Christ,

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