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From Steve – November II
on November 15, 2022

Next week, we will observe and reflect upon all the things we are thankful for; blessings that we have received from a very great and awesome God.  I strongly encourage us all to not only be in a posture of thanksgiving for our material possessions, but especially for the dear people in our lives.  Have we done a good enough job in showing and telling those around us that we are grateful for them?

I pray that my friends and family know that I am incredibly thankful for them, however, I am sure that it is affirming when they hear me say those words.  I know that my family and friends love and support me, but it means a lot to hear them say they love and appreciate me.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where gratefulness and thankfulness are lacking.  Take time this Thanksgiving to give thanks to the God who loves you and sent His son to die for you.  Also, express your thankfulness for all of the wonderful people in your life.  Make it a regular practice – not just reserved for the fourth week in November.

I thank my God in every remembrance of you!


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