Dear Friends,
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
I firmly believe that the Lord’s proclamation to Solomon in 2 Chronicles would be identical to what He would say to us today regarding the state of our world. Wars and the threat of potential wars, strife and crime running rampant in our cities, immoral behavior, and hate and division make it blatantly obvious that we need the Lord to intervene! However, take a moment to really search your heart and ask yourself these questions: “What am I doing to make things better?” “Am I doing my part?” It is beyond our power, authority, and ability to rectify many of these problems, but we can and must pray. Often, we spend much time complaining about how we got here and very little time doing anything about it. Imagine if firefighters spent their time determining the cause of a blaze rather than extinguishing the flames. The structure would be destroyed.
As the spontaneous revival at Asbury University exhibits, now is the time to worship, repent, and seek the Lord. The Lord desires a revival where His power is unleashed in and through ordinary people and awakens the hunger for Him in others. Are we ready to allow the Lord to move, or are we too busy watching this house burn to the ground?