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From Steve – August II
on August 15, 2020

Dear Friends,

I pray this update finds you happy, healthy, and living victoriously in Jesus the Messiah.  Recently, I read that anxiety and depression are on the rise due to COVID-related shutdowns.  The many yearly events that bring us joy have been cancelled, creating feelings of loneliness and isolation.  It may seem as if the year 2020 is slipping through our fingers.  However, God’s Word says in Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV) that, “He will not leave you or forsake you.” 

In past decades, elected officials have taken prayer out of schools and removed the Ten Commandments from our courthouses.  Now, certain officials are attempting to pass laws prohibiting singing in our church services, citing that worshippers will spread the virus through these acts of praise and adoration to our Lord.  Friend, take heed!  In Luke 19:40 MSG, Jesus declares, “If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.”  

Neither government law nor mandate can ever touch one specific and unique sanctuary: the sanctuary that is within each of us.  They can attempt to remove God from our schools and buildings, but they cannot remove the King of Kings and Lord of Lords from within you and me.  The song in my heart has never been sung louder! 


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