From Steve – July II

From Steve – July II

Dear Friend, Greetings in the name of our glorious Savior! You know, during these last four and a half decades of ministry, my friends and family have never ceased to amaze me with their love, support, prayers, and every kind of inspiration imaginable. This...
From Steve – July I

From Steve – July I

Dear Friend, If you are on our mailing or email lists, I pray that my latest letter found you well, living in the victory of Christ and reflecting on the freedoms and independence we have been so graciously given. I am thankful to be an American and to live in a...
From Steve – June II

From Steve – June II

Dear Friend, Greetings in the majestic and glorious name of our risen Savior! Over the past few days, I have been in a very reflective mindset, recollecting the many blessings that the Lord has allowed me to enjoy and cherish for all these years. I am thankful for...
From Steve – June I

From Steve – June I

Dear Friend, The Lord showed up in a major way at the 9th Annual Memorial Day Community Celebration! The day began with worries and plenty of “weather watching” as a line of storms was expected to pass through the valley. However, those storm clouds broke up and the...
From Steve – May II

From Steve – May II

Dear Friend, We are gearing up for our 9th Annual Memorial Day Community Celebration and I am excited for you to hear and experience the gospel presentation by Dr. Lew Sterrett. I first met Dr. Lew when I was visiting friends in Sarasota, Florida. I was amazed by his...
From Steve – May I

From Steve – May I

Dear Friend, There are just under four weeks until our Memorial Day weekend celebrations.  First, join us on Saturday, May 25 at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds for a spectacular performance by Sermon on the “Mount” and Dr. Lew Sterrett, horse whisperer. ...