Dear Friend,
Just a few short weeks ago, we had the honor and privilege of sending two teams to minister to the amazing people of East Africa. Earlier this summer, we welcomed 25 pastors and leaders from Africa and multiple U.S. states to the Lodestar Mountain Inn. We were touched by their pure worship and their zeal, admiration, and devotion to the Lord. As we began planning for the Africa Mission, an evangelistic outreach, I knew that this was a God-ordained ministry opportunity that was immensely bigger than us. Unfortunately, due to my double knee replacement earlier this summer, I was not medically cleared to attend, but this was never about me. It was about being the hands and feet of Jesus and spreading His gospel of never-ending love, redemption, mercy, and grace to all who would listen. I was overjoyed in hearing the updates and reports from the teams in Africa, and these stories affirmed what I already believed – God is on the move, and He is not done with us yet!
Here is what the Lord accomplished using our teams in Tala, Kenya; Mombasa, Kenya; and Lusaka, Zambia:
- 1,800 pastors attended a two-day conference on evangelism and discipleship.
- 2,100 families were given relief through food distribution.
- 1,055 decisions were made to accept Jesus.
- 2,900 soccer kits were given away that helped 116 clubs.
- 96 “John 17:23 Clubs” were formed.
- 650 were prayed over at the altar for their needs.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who uses us to fulfill His purpose!