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Support our Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach
on June 8, 2024

The Lord is blessing this ministry greatly by allowing us to return to Africa again this summer to equip ministry leaders, share the good news of Jesus, and meet people’s physical needs through distributing much-needed food. August 9-18, 2024, we will be in Kenya and Tanzania for an important and purpose-driven evangelistic outreach. I am humbly asking you to begin praying now for the team that the Lord will assemble, the funding to allow us to impact the wonderful African people, and for the hearts of those who will hear about Jesus for the first time to be open and receptive.

If the Lord has laid it upon your heart to serve with us in Africa or to make a charitable contribution to ensure that His work and Word can be spread throughout Kenya and Tanzania, please contact Luke Weaver, Director of Ministry Relations and Lodestar Guidance, at (540) 476-2047, or follow the link above and select “Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach” from the dropdown menu.

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