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Steve’s latest book Guiding Principles to Live, Learn, and Lead is a compilation of daily devotionals spanning a timeframe of one year aimed at helping you live abundantly. Each week focuses on one of 52 character principles, and each day is concluded with a meaningful prayer.
What is a lodestar? It is a navigational star, such as Polaris, the North Star, a star that leads or guides so you know where you are. For followers of Christ, it is Jesus. He will always lead us to truth.
Guiding Principles to Live, Learn, and Lead is full of encouraging words, thoughtful commentary, and insightful prayers, along with Scripture to guide your thoughts each day of the year. Each principle featured is reinforced with topical relevance to the world in which we live.
Below is a list of principles in alphabetical order which are highlighted in Guiding Principles:

David L. Jones, Executive Director of the Palau Foundation for World Evangelism, had this to say about Guiding Principles to Live, Learn, and Lead:
“Steve Wingfield’s Lodestar Guidance [Guiding Principles] devotional will encourage you with hope and wisdom to strengthen your relationship with God. You will want to start your day with this practical and inspiring devotional that provides a biblical perspective on the big issues of life. This devotional will help you in your daily spiritual journey as each page provides biblical principles for victorious Christian living.”