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Please Support our Summer Appeal
on June 22, 2024

Every ounce of work that we do for the Lord is intentional and serves a higher purpose because we want to make every moment and every opportunity count. Our Lord deserves our very best and commands us to use every interaction to speak of the hope, mercy, and love only found in Jesus. To continue this divine mission, we need your help. The Lord has instilled a dream and vision within us to boldly proclaim His name through retreats at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, the OneLife Institute, Victory Weekend events and through an evangelistic outreach in Africa. Our goal is to raise $400,000 by July 31, 2024, to ensure that Wingfield Ministries can serve God fully and continue to answer His call in the Great Commission. Prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible, sacrificial gift for His glory! Simply click here and select 2024 Summer Appeal from the dropdown menu before the July 31 deadline.  We are grateful for your support.

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