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Please help us meet our summer fundraising goal!
on July 8, 2024

We are in an important season in the life of this ministry. The Lord is opening new and exciting doors and asking us to walk through them faithfully and boldly. From retreats at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, speaking engagements at churches throughout the country, Victory Weekend events, and a crucial evangelistic outreach to the beautiful people in Africa, we are being stretched and pulled in ways that allow us to be the representatives of the gospel message that will ignite a revival in this land. It is our honor to be called and to be used by God, and it is our mission to share His love with all we meet.

While we are steadfastly relying on the Lord to provide all that we need, we know that many yearn to be a part of impacting this world for Jesus. To serve the physical and spiritual needs of those in Africa and to continue our ministry at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, we must raise $400,000 by July 31. Please pray about what the Lord would have you do during this time of need. Your tax-deductible gift would be a mighty investment in funding our mission of evangelism and discipleship of God’s people. Click here to give today!

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