September Ministry Update
Stay in contact with us and receive regular e-mail updates concerning needs of the ministry, testimonies, and items for prayer.
Time is running out to help us meet our summer fundraising goal!
Our summer funding campaign is in the homestretch, and we are thankful to all of you who made the decision to support this ministry team through a monetary contribution or through continued intercessory prayer. The fields are white for harvest and the moment for...
From Steve – July II
Dear Friend, Greetings in the name of our glorious Savior! You know, during these last four and a half decades of ministry, my friends and family have never ceased to amaze me with their love, support, prayers, and every kind of inspiration imaginable. This...
Please help us meet our summer fundraising goal!
We are in an important season in the life of this ministry. The Lord is opening new and exciting doors and asking us to walk through them faithfully and boldly. From retreats at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, speaking engagements at churches throughout the country,...
From Steve – July I
Dear Friend, If you are on our mailing or email lists, I pray that my latest letter found you well, living in the victory of Christ and reflecting on the freedoms and independence we have been so graciously given. I am thankful to be an American and to live in a...