Steve delivered a captivating message to inspire members of his home congregation at New Beginnings Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia, on Sunday, March 20. Steve utilized John 20:19-23 to create his PowerPoint of: “The Compassion of the Cross.” A total of 280 people heard the Good News, with 124 people attending the 8:45 a.m. service and 156 people attending the 10:30 a.m. service. Before Steve spoke, Jessie Pugh, upcoming 2017 Memorial Day Community Celebration artist, sang and shared her talents from the stage.
Steve’s main points were associated with the peace given by Jesus that the disciples experienced after He died on the cross. When the disciples saw the nails in His hands, they understood what Jesus did on earth and learned that their mission in life was now to share the Good News. Steve also shared that the disciples were empowered by the gift of the Holy Spirit, as a result of Jesus’ death. Steve emphasized that the victory made available to them and to us was accomplished only through how Jesus Christ died and when He arose. “The scars in Jesus’ hands and side in John 20:20 were the evidence of a completed mission,” Steve mentioned.
As a result, Steve continued by stating that our response should be to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive the Holy Spirit. When we have the Holy Spirit residing in us, we are able to sufficiently thrive with holy living. Then, with God’s holy living developing inside of us and changing us from the inside out, we are empowered to accomplish mighty preaching for God’s glory. The disciples learned these lessons, accepted God’s will for their lives, and shared Jesus boldly after He ascended into Heaven. “May we experience the identity, authority, and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and Master,” Steve stated to the congregation.
Steve concluded his message by examining the words of “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross” with a refreshing perspective on what Jesus accomplished on the cross. What compassion our Savior had when He died on that cross, and how thankful we are to Him for His gift!
When the altar call was offered, 12 people from the first service and 5 people from the second service made decisions to follow Jesus faithfully. Praise God for how 17 lives were changed by what Steve shared.
As 2017 continues, may we continue to pray for those who have accepted or will accept Jesus through Steve’s speaking engagements at both churches and at Victory Weekend events. Pray that these new believers’ families would also come to trust Jesus as Savior and Lord, and that these new followers of Christ would be strengthened by Bible-believing churches to share the Good News too. Because of how God has empowered Steve, the Kingdom of God is truly expanding, so pray with us that more seeds would grow in soil that produces a harvest!