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I am so excited about what Victory Weekend has accomplished over the past several years! We look forward to every Victory Weekend event that we do. The excitement of the crowd, the great music from the artists who share their talents, and the outpouring of gratitude shown to America’s bravest make for a memorable and unique event every time. I want to thank each of you who have attended a Victory Weekend or have selflessly given of your time and volunteered at an event. It is our desire to offer race fans a fun, family-friendly experience; I pray we are succeeding.
My good friend Pastor Vernon Zook, who is the lead pastor of Abundant Life Church in Sarasota, FL, has been helping me at many of the Victory Weekend events. Vernon shared a young man’s story whom he was able to meet and speak with at a Victory Weekend event in 2017:
“When I was on stage talking about the suicide rate among military personnel, a 21-year-old man named Ryan began bawling. His friends surrounded him, and he continued to cry almost uncontrollably throughout the message that I gave. Ryan ended up raising his hand to make a decision for Christ. I told him from the stage that I wanted to speak with him after the band resumed playing.
In talking to Ryan, he told me of how his best friend from the age of 3 had gone to Iraq and, after his return, had committed suicide a few months prior to our event. Ryan said that the message I shared hit him like nothing had before, and he heard me talking about hope. He grew up Catholic and believed in God all his life, but he said, “I never realized until today how much God loves me and that He wants to help me personally.” It was a really special time, and I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of it.”
We are eternally grateful for the opportunity to witness lives being changed. This impact, along with the smiles on all of the faces, the standing ovations for our heroes, and the relationships we have created, makes all of this worthwhile. It is my aspiration to continue to bring hope to campgrounds, race tracks, and other venues for many years to come.