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As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that we do everything we can to prepare our children to find the path that the Lord has paved specifically for them. For many it is an easy transition; however, for others it may take real life experiences and opportunities to step outside of their comfort zones and allow the Lord to mold and stretch them. If God is at the center of our decision-making, our paths will lead to a fulfilled life wrapped tightly in His will.
This ministry firmly believes in investing in the next generation of Christ-centered leaders, therefore, we have decided to proudly partner with the OneLife Institute. OneLife is a nine-month gap year program for students who want to grow in their faith, experience genuine community, serve others, and travel while earning college credits. All OneLife students will have an official transcript from Cairn University or North Greenville University. All credits are transferable, however, some credits may not apply to certain courses of study. College admissions counselors are available for guidance about whether or not these credits will count toward a particular degree.
An opportunity as life-changing and life-shaping as this should not just be reserved for those who can afford it. Every recent high school graduate who wants to grow in their faith, learn servant leadership, and truly understand and embrace the calling that the Lord has placed on their lives should have the chance to be a part this impactful program. This is what Mr. Wayne Wingfield believed. Wayne served as the honorary chaplain of the Lodestar Mountain Inn and the OneLife program. He was also the brother, mentor, and best friend of Steve Wingfield. The Wayne and Dianna Wingfield Lodestar Mountain Inn OneLife Scholarship Fund was created in memory of Wayne and to honor his passion to provide financial aid to students with need. This scholarship will help ensure that cost will never be the reason a student chooses not to attend the OneLife Program. If you would like to give a tax-deductible gift to provide crucial financial aid to a OneLife student, please click here. Be sure to select The Wayne and Dianna Wingfield Lodestar Mountain Inn OneLife Scholarship Fund from the dropdown menu.
The backdrop for this amazing educational experience will be the Lodestar Mountain Inn – 524 acres of some of the Lord’s greatest and most picturesque creation. The Lodestar Mountain Inn is the perfect classroom where students can escape from a noisy world and grow and learn about everything the Lord has for their lives. During this formative program, OneLife students will have the opportunity to serve the community as well as participate in excursions to Washington, DC; Williamsburg, VA; various western US States, and the Holy Land or other overseas location.
To learn more about OneLife Institute, visit their website at