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2025 Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach

As a part of our focus on global outreach to spread the gospel of Jesus, we will traveling to Africa twice this year. May 8-18, Scott and Amy Wenger and Terry Wyant-Vargo will serve as our missionaries and ambassadors in Lusaka, Zambia. August 6-24, Steve Wingfield and Luke Weaver will serve in Ukunda and Tala, Kenya.

During their time with our friends in Africa, the Wingfield Ministries delegations will partner with Bishop George Mulinge and Reverend Randy Martin as keynote speakers. They will participate in Pastors Conferences to encourage, strengthen, and equip pastors and leaders, a crusade to speak the name of Jesus to those who may not have made the decision to follow Him, and an integral soccer ministry to share the love of Jesus to a primarily Muslim population.

Then, September 30 – October 6 we will host a retreat at the Lodestar Mountain Inn for Bishop George Mulinge and other pastors and ministry leaders from Africa.

The total cost to be the hands and feet to the Zambian and Kenyan people is $200,000. Please prayerfully consider making a monetary contribution to this arm of the ministry. Simply click here to be directed to our Donate page and select “Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach” from the dropdown menu. If you cannot give at this time, please join us in prayer over these events. Pray for the planning and implementation phase. Pray for the teams that will be traveling and serving as the hands of feet of Jesus, for their safety and protection. Pray for all who will share the gospel or music during the evangelistic outreaches. Pray for the thousands of people who will be impacted by this vital moment in time; may their hearts and minds be prepared to receive the truth before the teams even arrive.

If you feel the Lord calling you to be a part of the teams ministering to the Zambian and Kenyan people, please contact Terry Wyant-Vargo, Director of Administration and Ministry Relations at (540) 236-5989.