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Honoring Our Fallen Heroes
on April 22, 2024

Memorial Day honors the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. These courageous individuals have given everything they had to defend our freedoms and way of life.

Memorial Day reminds us of the high price of freedom and the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is a very special day designated to honor their sacrifices and their memories with gratitude.

While not all who have selflessly served in the U.S. Military have paid the ultimate price, many still bear the wounds and scars of battle. This is why the Memorial Day Community Celebration is important to Wingfield Ministries. It is our chance to highlight, applaud, and celebrate our faith, families, friendships, and freedoms because of the brave men and women who chose to defend them.

Join us on Saturday, May 25 at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds for a powerful and unique presentation of the gospel by Dr. Lew Sterrett, horse whisperer, with Sermon on the “Mount.” Then on Monday, May 27, we will be back at the fairgrounds for a day of gratitude, fun, and reflection. Both of these events are FREE!

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