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Holy Land 2022
on August 22, 2021

We still have vacancy on our Holy Land trip 2022! Join Steve and Barbara Wingfield as they lead a journey that will revitalize your love for the Lord and His holy Word. This group will be departing Sunday, March 6, 2022, and will return Sunday, March 20, 2022. This an amazing opportunity that will benefit your life as you totally immerse yourself in the culture of the holiest sites in the world. Walk the paths that the great men and women of the Bible once strode and see life as they experienced it. Come home and be refreshed and renewed in your Spirit as you are sure to feel closer to the Lord.

For more information or to reserve your spot for the 2022 Holy Land tour, please call Terry Wyant-Vargo at (800) 729-2239, but act fast as seating is limited.

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