Dear Friend,
Our teams that traveled to Tala and Mombasa, Kenya, and Lusaka, Zambia, have returned home safely. I was unable to attend this remarkable outreach that impacted the lives of so many pastors, leaders, and people in this region of Africa because of my recent surgery, however, I can happily report that the Lord is moving and is still on the throne and working through the lives of His people! Our teams were part of an amazing evangelistic effort where they spoke to over 1,800 pastors and leaders, fed 2,100 families, and witnessed 1,055 individuals add their names to the Lamb’s Book of Life. I want to thank you for your prayers and support of this project that impacted the lives of so many people. It reaffirms my already strong conviction that the Lord is not done with us yet and the fields are ripe for harvest.
Stateside, we have a full schedule of events at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, and I strongly encourage you to take a look at the retreat opportunities that are coming. I would love to see you there as we have some great events in the works!
Finally, last weekend we welcomed the second class of OneLife students to the Lodestar Mountain Inn. Twenty-one young men and women have made the decision to spend nine months with us. It is an honor and a great responsibility to speak into the lives of this next generation of leaders. Please keep them in your prayers as well as the leaders who will guide them as they grow in Christian character, clarify their calling, and develop relational wisdom.
We have a lot going on and we are very busy, but it is all for His glory!