Dear Friends,
In 1927, a musical named Good News opened on Broadway. In this musical was a song written by Ray Henderson titled, “The Best Things in Life are Free.” This was the very first time this popular saying was coined. In the 92 years since this Broadway show, this song has been rearranged and sang many, many times by different musicians. The meaning of this profound phrase is simple. There are things in this life that are priceless and cannot be quantified with a price tag. In my life, those treasures are faith, family, and friendships.
I am fortunate and blessed to have been in ministry, married to my best friend and loving wife, and have many longtime friends spanning over four decades. These valued relationships mean more to me than anything. Even if I possessed all of the riches this world had to offer, I would have nothing without my Jesus, my family, and my friends.
In times of pain, indecision, confusion, or sorrow, I promise you, your bank account will not console you. Your portfolio will not lend a shoulder to lean on. Finally, your wealth and worldly goods will not be there for you. The most important thing that you can take stock in are those you love. Caring for your faith, family, and friends will always yield a high return on investment. Love never fails.
With Love,