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From Steve – September I
on September 1, 2024

Dear Friend,

Welcome to September! Although there are technically a few weeks left of summer, September 1 is the unofficial beginning of fall. The kickoff of the fall season ushers in a new class of OneLife Institute students at the Lodestar Mountain Inn.  It is such an honor to have these students with us throughout the school year. Their joy, liveliness, and thirst for God bless everyone who has the privilege of spending time with them!

Even though the 2024-2025 school year has just started, it is not too early to begin thinking about next year. If you have friends or family who will be graduating high school in the class of 2025, I strongly encourage you to tell them about the OneLife Institute at the Lodestar Mountain Inn. This gap year program is a great opportunity for students to successfully live in a diverse community, learn godly principles and attributes for life, and come to fully understand the calling the Lord has placed on their lives. In addition to local and international travel, service opportunities, experiential learning, and plenty of fun and new friendships, students earn 27 college credits from Cairn University or North Greenville University. All credits are transferrable, but it is advisable to talk to college admissions counselors about whether or not these credits will count toward a particular degree.

To schedule a visit and see firsthand how the OneLife Institute is molding and shaping tomorrow’s leaders, click here.


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