Dear Friend,
It is hard to believe but 2023 is nearly over. This has been an amazing year of victories and hurdles that the Lord has seen us through, and we are in awe of His sovereignty and provision. I thank you for your steadfast commitment to and prayer for this ministry; it means the world to me. We are embarking on a very important time of the year for us – our end-of-the-year funding campaign. By December 31, our goal is to have the dormitories housing our amazing OneLife students fully paid for. The OneLife Institute at the Lodestar Mountain Inn is doing wonders in the lives of students who attend. They are growing by leaps and bounds in their faith, learning the importance of servant leadership, becoming equipped with the tools necessary to evangelize the name of Jesus, and they are receiving clarity in the Lord’s calling on their lives. It is an amazing program, and we are honored to offer future generations this opportunity. To make this goal succeed, I desperately need your help. I humbly urge you to watch our year-end video, take time to read the mailing or email you will soon receive, and pray for discernment in how you can support our mission through your tax-deductible gift.
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of all of you.” Philippians 1:3-5 (KJV)