Dear friends,
“April showers bring May flowers,” at least that is what I have been told since I was a young boy. However, I sometimes wonder if there is a deeper meaning to that saying. I look back at my life and the lives of family and friends and I have noticed one common trend: Times of unprecedented spiritual growth always seem to occur after enduring stormy seasons. It is in these times of chaos – violent flashes of lightning and pounding rains – that we learn that holding onto the promises of God is the only thing that can steady us. Then, after the rain has moved on, we realize that we are standing upon fertile ground and our roots grow stronger in the Lord. Do you thank God for the rains? Do you praise Him for allowing you to withstand the storm, relying on Him and Him alone? While we do not always welcome or wish for the showers, we can rest assured in the knowledge that God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, allowing us to bloom in His beauty and grace.