Dear Friends,
Like you, I have been watching the horrifying events taking place in Ukraine. As this war-torn European country is facing insurmountable odds, I am in awe at the resolve, bravery, and patriotism the Ukrainian citizens are exhibiting. Grandmothers and grandfathers are choosing to stand for their freedom and that of their grandchildren. Leaders are choosing to stay and be counted instead of fleeing their country. Nations are coming together to demonstrate and condemn these senseless acts. It is amazing that in the times that we think the world is at its worst, we seen examples of the world at its best. Edmond Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” We stand with innocence; we stand with the people of Ukraine. I urge you to take time to fervently pray for those living through this nightmare and ask God to intervene.