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From Steve – June II
on June 15, 2024

Dear Friend,

Greetings in the majestic and glorious name of our risen Savior! Over the past few days, I have been in a very reflective mindset, recollecting the many blessings that the Lord has allowed me to enjoy and cherish for all these years. I am thankful for everyone I have met throughout this incredible journey, and I am eagerly anticipating the folks I will meet for the first time in the days to come; however, I am even more grateful for one specific, amazing person in my life. A few days ago, Barb and I celebrated anniversary number fifty. Fifty years ago I made the greatest decision, second-only to my decision to give my heart to Jesus. Barb continues to be an awesome wife, mother, grandmother, prayer warrior, best friend, and confidant. When the Lord created Barb, He must have broken the mold, because there is not a more perfect person for me than her!

We have received numerous phone calls, text messages, greeting cards, emails, and other communications wishing us a “Happy Anniversary.” We certainly did have a great day, and we both are forever thankful that each of you are a part of our lives.


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