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From Steve – June I
on June 1, 2022

Dear Friends,

Across our nation, high school seniors are donning their caps and gowns, walking across the stage, and bidding farewell to their childhood as they prepare to embark on their next journey.  This can be a very scary time for these students.  The decisions made and the paths chosen during this time are extremely important and can shape and determine the student’s future.  This is precisely why our ministry has decided to become a partner with the OneLife Institute at the Lodestar Mountain Inn.  Recent high school graduates will live in a Christ-centered community for nine months with twenty-three other young adults.  During this time, each student will learn leadership principles, serve others, grow in their faith, and prepare for impacting the world for Jesus, regardless of their future career.

We are proud and eager to invest in the lives of every gap-year student we are fortunate to have at the Lodestar Mountain Inn.  This is a very important stage of preparation for this influential program.  We are currently building two dormitories to house these students and we need your help!  Our fiscal year ends June 30, 2022, and we have graciously been given a $250,000 matching grant challenge.  These funds will go a very long way in ensuring that our inaugural OneLife class will enter a remarkable period of personal growth and strengthening their relationship with the Lord.  Please prayerfully consider making a difference in the journey of these students.


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