Dear Friend,
Greetings in the name of our glorious Savior! You know, during these last four and a half decades of ministry, my friends and family have never ceased to amaze me with their love, support, prayers, and every kind of inspiration imaginable. This evangelistic outreach dream would not have become reality without you. We only have two and a half weeks remaining in our current funding campaign that will allow this ministry to meet the spiritual and physical needs of thousands of beautiful people in Africa as well as maintain many events at the Lodestar Mountain Inn and the Victory Weekend ministry. I have witnessed the Lord provide too many times before to question his faithfulness in giving us exactly what we need. If you feel that the Lord is leading you toward sacrificially giving so that others can hear of and experience God’s love, I humbly ask you to consider leaving your mark by making a tax-deductible contribution. Simply click here and select 2024 Summer Appeal from the dropdown menu.