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From Steve – July II
on July 15, 2021

Dear Friends,

Did you know that the largest religious affiliation in the United States is “NONs?”  These are people that have no religious affiliation.  Many of these individuals choose not to believe there is a God or to follow the Lord, while others may not have had the opportunity to experience or hear of the greatness of our God.  This statistic floored me!  We live in a country where there is typically a church within every five blocks, yet this epidemic is spreading rapidly.

For me, this strengthens my resolve and belief in the mission that our ministry strives to achieve.  Whether those who identify as “NON” are willing to admit it, we are a nation in need of the Savior and His divine touch.  Just look at your news feed or turn on the television and this fact will be obvious.

To point people to the Lord and to humble ourselves and seek His face is the very reason why the Lord has given us the Lodestar Mountain Inn, Lodestar Guidance, and our new partnership with OneLife – the gap year program starting in September 2022.

God has bestowed upon us a great responsibility with an even greater reward!  It is our duty to maximize these tools that the Lord has given us to radically change lives for Him.  However, this is a mission that we cannot do alone.  We desperately need your help in whatever capacity the Lord is calling you to serve.  He is building up a remnant to impact this world.  Please pray and discern how the Lord wants to use you!



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