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From Steve – July II
on July 30, 2019

Dear Friends,

Greetings! I hope this letter finds you wrapped in the loving embrace of a wonderful and merciful Savior. As you read this letter, I am at the Shenandoah Valley Family Camp sharing the gospel, as well as reflecting and focusing on the awesomeness of our God. His faithful and love certainly does endure forever!

Have you ever sat back with a cup of coffee or sweet tea, looked back, and marveled at how God’s hand placed you specifically where you are? There were a number of paths we could have chosen, but this particular path was God’s perfect will. It gives me chills to think about it. God has a very special plan for your life that is as unique and rare as your fingerprint. The Lord who created the heavens and Earth knows your name and chooses to offer us a life more abundant. How amazing is that?

As you embark on your journey today, may you fully understand that our God has mighty plans for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Represent Jesus well!


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