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From Steve – July I
on July 1, 2024

Dear Friend,

If you are on our mailing or email lists, I pray that my latest letter found you well, living in the victory of Christ and reflecting on the freedoms and independence we have been so graciously given. I am thankful to be an American and to live in a country that was founded on Christian principles by followers of Christ. Those of you who know me know that I am an optimist; however, this I know to be true: America is in desperate need of revival and awakening! We need to pray for a spirit of repentance and a return to the foundational principles that made this country great. We kicked God out of our school system and our government while the church sat on our hands and said nothing. It is time we boldly speak in one resounding voice and stand up for the values that made this country great. My vote is for Jesus in 2024, and my prayer is, “Lord, send revival!”


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