Dear Friend,
I am overcome with joy and thanksgiving, for the Lord’s mighty hand is at work! I am pleased to announce that we have already secured a full class of OneLife students for the 2024-2025 school year who will be arriving in the fall. We are training, equipping, and impacting the next generation of Christ-centered leaders, and I could not possibly be any happier. We are grateful to the students, their parents, and the Lord for entrusting us with the responsibility and privilege of having a hand in shaping their life stories. What a blessing to be a part of teaching and guiding these young men and women during this formative time. We know their experiences in the OneLife Program at the Lodestar Mountain Inn will equip them to accomplish great things for the Lord.
Also, I am asking for your prayers. As you know, the turmoil in Israel is immense and all people in that region desperately need the divine intervention of the Lord. We are planning a tour of the Holy Land in October, God willing. There are still spots available for this life-changing journey if you are interested. Please call Terry Wyant-Vargo at (540) 236-5989 for more information or to reserve your spot.
I have read the end of the Book, just as you have … we win!