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From Steve – January II
on January 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

I pray you are successfully keeping your New Year’s resolutions!  Last year was an amazing year with unbelievable opportunities, and I greatly coveted your prayers.  Because of your love and support, we are confident that this year will be even better.  In the near future, we hope to announce four Victory Weekend events at NASCAR venues.  Preparations are now underway for the Memorial Day Community Celebration at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds in Virginia.  In August, we will be traveling to Kenya to hold two crusades as well as participating in a pastor’s conference in Zambia.  And this spring, we will celebrate the completion of the first year of the OneLife gap year program and then welcome the second class to the Lodestar Mountain Inn in the fall.

This year is shaping up to be an extraordinary time of ministry and mission.  I encourage you to be a part of the excitement by attending all of the events you can and, more importantly, by praying over all of our events!


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