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From Steve – January II
on January 13, 2016


This year has started off very active for me. I am in the middle of a six-day speaking engagement among old and new friends at a Camp Meeting at Brooksville (Florida) Wesleyan Village, and I am enjoying interacting with everyone. There is something very encouraging about being around fellow believers because no matter where you are physically, you are at home spiritually because of the Holy Spirit we all carry in our hearts.  I pray that we will yield to His leading today and throughout the new year.

Last night was a great night. The church was packed. The crowd was very receptive, and it was wonderful being with Arlie Davis the other speaker and Todd Guy who is in charge of music this week. I saw a lot of great friends from many different places: People who were involved in the Muskegon Crusade, the Grand Rapids Crusade, and several different locations in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia. It is going to be a great week.

I am continually grateful that more and more people are realizing the tremendous potential for saved lives through our outreaches. Thank you for being one of them. We could not do what we do without the prayers and support of people like you. We are expecting great things in 2016, and you are a vital part of it.  Please commit to praying for each of our events on a regular basis. Together we can ask for the power of the Holy Spirit, and we can expect miracles. Thank you in advance for praying.

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