Dear Friend,
This is a new year and a new day filled with many, many opportunities. Please join us in praying that the Lord will give us wisdom and discernment and clearly direct our steps. We ask you to pray over our upcoming Florida events: an awesome golf tournament, a Great Purpose Banquet, and opportunities for me to preach in two Sarasota churches. If you are in the area, I would love to see you at one or all of these events. You are welcome to call Terry at (540) 236-5989 if you have questions about any of them, or simply visit our website to register for the golf tournament or the banquet.
Also, preparations are being made for two major evangelistic outreaches in Africa this year. The first in May and the second outreach taking place in August. We are praying that the Lord will begin to saturate the land now with His presence and ask that His hand will move the masses to know Him.
We covet your support and prayers to help make these life-changing events happen! Thank you for your friendship, dedication, love, and prayers! Thank you for standing with us and standing in the gap!