Dear Friend,
Happy New Year! As we sprint into another year, may it be a time of renewal and rededication to the Lord. Please allow me to share a prayer that I found online recently. Reflect on these words and allow them to permeate your soul.
“Heavenly Father, thank You for making all things new! As another new year begins, help me to live each day for You. May I continually have a new song in my heart to sing to You, no matter what comes my way. I trust in You because I know that Your mercies are new every morning, and nothing ahead of me will take You by surprise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
We serve a mighty God. How blessed we are that He adopted us into His family through the finished work of Christ. It still amazes me that the same One who created all of the stars in the galaxies above knows me and you by name. Represent Him well!
God’s best to you in 2024,