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From Steve – January 11, 2014
on January 11, 2014

The beginning of the year is a good time to get back to basics. It is also a good time to prepare for what the year has in store. My prayer for you is, “…Be strengthened with all His glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need…” (Colossians 1:11 NLT).

Shortly after I committed my life to Christ a friend shared five things that have helped me immeasurably in my walk with the Lord. Let me offer them to you as fundamental ways to have a successful journey with Christ.

1- Set aside time every day to spend with Christ.
2- Find a good church. You need the fellowship of believers.
3- Tell others what Christ has done for you. Represent Him well not only with your words but with your life.
4- Get involved in a small group – an intimate band of fellow believers who can hold you accountable.
5- If you have a family, set aside time every day to read Scriptures and pray together.

God’s desire is for you to grow spiritually mature. I hope that these five simple but important steps will help you reach your goals as you stand firm in your faith.

(Adapted from Winning the Race Every Day)

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