Dear Friend,
I pray you are well and feeling “love” in the air. Yes, it is that magical time of the year when Hallmark reminds us to show our significant other that we love and adore them. Now, of course I am just being facetious, because love is something that we should not exhibit only on February 14 but every day by our words and actions.
In the spirit of love, I am inviting you and your spouse to a romantic opportunity at the Lodestar Mountain Inn February 9 – 11 for our Valentine’s Getaway Weekend. Luke Weaver, event host for this memorable event, will present “Loving and Respecting Your Spouse,” a reminder we all need. Make time to spend with the love of your life and enjoy everything the property has to offer. It truly is a special and magnificent example of the Lord’s creation. The peaceful, remote setting surrounded by majestic, rugged mountains makes for the perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and provides a wonderful opportunity to focus on your valentine.
For more information or to make your reservation, click here.
Love in Christ,