Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas! I pray that this letter finds you well and ready for the arrival of the King, whose birth we celebrate in just ten days. As I am sure you know, we are in the midst of some very exciting times as well, a time we are expectant on the Lord to move mountains. Two months ago, we held the dedication service at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, and we broke ground for two dormitories that will house students participating in the OneLife Christian gap year program.
I humbly ask for your help as we strive to cross the finish line victoriously and build these dormitories. Wonderful friends of the ministry have graciously offered a $250,000 matching funds challenge until December 31, 2021. A tax-deductible charitable donation will double your impact for Christ, as every donation will be matched dollar for dollar.
This is our chance to truly invest in the next generation and generations to come. It is incumbent upon all of us to ensure that we are equipping our youth the live and lead for the Lord, realizing their greatest potential and destiny in Jesus.