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From Steve – December I
on December 1, 2022

Dear Friends,

How is possible that today is the first day of the final month of 2022?  You know the old saying “time flies?”  It really, really does.  However, it is a beautiful, wonderful ride!  I have seen great times as well as tough times this year.  Though, through it all, my God has kept His promise to never leave me nor forsake me.  During the brightest of day as well as the darkest of night, He was with me and He, alone, sustained me.  As we enter this final chapter of 2022, I am thankful for another celebration of the Word becoming flesh with the birth of Jesus our King, and I am also grateful for all of you who are reading this letter.  Your friendship, unwavering support, and awesome love have meant so much to me and my family for a long time.  My prayer is to continue representing Him well in the new year and honoring our relationship in all my remaining days! May you and yours prepare your minds and hearts for Emmanuel!


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