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From Steve – August I
on August 1, 2024

Dear Friend,

Greetings! Barb and I just got back from enjoying the sounds of the surf and the beautiful sights of the beach. It was an amazing time of rest, refreshment, and really contemplating the many blessings in my life. Soon, I will be leaving for an evangelistic outreach in Tanzania and Kenya where I will speak into the lives of pastors and people living in these areas. I am excited, and I expect the Lord to move in mighty ways. Last year I could not travel to Africa as I was still recovering from bilateral knee replacement, but this year I am eager to see the movement of the Lord firsthand. Please be in prayer for me and others traveling to Africa for this event as we represent our God and serve the African people. May all that we do and say point to Jesus Christ. To learn more about the Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach, click here.


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