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From Steve – August I
on August 7, 2018

Dear Friends,

It is hard to believe that it is already August! Can you believe that we are almost nearing the end of 2018? Even though the calendar is always moving forward, we still have plenty to do in the weeks ahead! From August 9-11, 2018, the Victory Weekend team will be in the great State of Michigan for a Finish A Winner event and then at the Juniper Hills Campgrounds in Brooklyn, Michigan for the Consumers Energy 400 race. It is sure to be a weekend of ministry and mission. We cannot wait!

The next weekend, August 17-18, 2018, the team will be heading to one of our favorite spots, the Race Day Center Campground in Bristol, Tennessee, for another weekend of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the race fans. We always receive a warm welcome in Bristol and we appreciate and love the support of our friends there! Our team looks forward to returning to Bristol!

As you can imagine, that is a lot of traveling and hard work. I am asking you to please be in prayer for the Victory Weekend team. Ask our God to bless their work, give them traveling mercies, and bestow upon them chances to feel reenergized and rejuvenated. This ministry is blessed beyond measure to have the great individuals in which we are lucky to have. Their goal is to represent Jesus well and they meet that standard.  Their efforts are truly making a difference.

Please be in prayer for these ambassadors of Jesus.



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