Dear Friends,
As we approach Passion Week and read the scriptures depicting the events of this pivotal time, I truly believe that my own study of the Bible has been enhanced because I have been to the Holy Land. This has enabled me to further grasp and better understand the great stories as I have walked and seen where this history unfolded. Now, it is not a prerequisite to have toured the Holy Land to effectively read and understand the Bible, but it does enhance your experience by giving you geographical context and painting a vivid mental picture, bringing the great stories to life. It brings me great joy to have the privilege to watch the faces and reactions of those journeying through the Holy Land for the first time. Seeing the childlike, awestruck wonder is amazing and makes all the time and preparation that goes into a journey worth it. We already have our next journey of a lifetime scheduled for March 11-23, 2024, and I would be thrilled if you would join us. It is an adventure that is well worth your time and energy, and it will impact your life forever.