Stay in contact with us and receive regular e-mail updates concerning needs of the ministry, testimonies, and items for prayer.
From Steve

From Steve – March II
Dear Friend, We have a lot happening in the month of March! From a Maple Festival Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn to an event at Church...

From Steve – March I
Dear Friend, I have had the fortune of spending the last three weeks in warm, sunny Florida! It was so great to be able to spend time with cherished...

From Steve – February II
Dear Friend, February is a busy month. First, I have the honor of sharing the gospel at Abundant Life Church in Sarasota, FL, on February 16. Then,...

From Steve – February I
Dear Friend, You know, I could not be more pleased and excited about what the Lord is doing through the OneLife gap year program at the Lodestar...