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2025 Memorial Day Community Celebration Food/Craft Vendor Information and Agreement

Please register and pay fee by: Friday, May 2, 2025.
We are seeking to partner with area churches and Christ-centered, faith-based organizations and individuals to reach the community in a powerful way. We will have inside and outside space available. We are asking each organization and individual to partner fully with us in this endeavor. We ask that you help us build excitement for this event. Share it with your community, post it on social media, create your own flyers, and help us get both believers and unbelievers to this event to show the community that it is fun to follow Jesus!
In order to help our food vendors have a successful and profitable day with great sales, we are only allowing one vendor to sell one specific food item. For example, only one food vendor can sell hamburgers and cheeseburgers, only one can sell hotdogs, only one can sell pork barbeque, etc. If you would like to verify that we do not already have a food vendor selling your specialty items, please contact Nicole at (540) 236-5982.
We have reserved a large footprint at the fairgrounds and power outlets are limited. If you need power for your booth or need a size not listed below, please call Nicole at (540) 236-5982 or email
Thank you.
Food/Craft Vendor Information
10th Memorial Day Community Celebration
Date: Monday, May 26, 2025
Location: Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, Virginia Agreement
Setup is scheduled for Monday, May 26 from 9:00 AM until 11:30 AM. We ask for your assistance to ensure that your booth is set up and ready to go at 12:00 PM.
Tear Down
We anticipate that the event will be over at 8 PM. Please have your booth and tables taken down by 9:30 PM.
Vendor Space
Dimensions of vendor spaces vary. Standard craft vendor outdoor spaces are 10’ square, 15’ square, and 20’ square. Standard craft vendor indoor space is available at 10’ square or a double 10’ square. Standard outdoor food vendor spaces are a 12’x30’ pad or a 12’x50’ pad. If you have different site requirements, please contact Nicole Wright at (540) 236-5982 to determine if your size requirement can be met.
If you only require 20-amp 110V power, we will make every attempt to locate your space within 100’ of a power outlet. Not all spaces will have power available. If we are not able to locate your space within 100’ of a power outlet or if you require more power than one 20-amp outlet, please be prepared to provide a generator to supply your own power. Please bring suitable extension cords for your needs.
Organizations are responsible for all resources related to their booth setup. This includes tables, chairs, power cords, etc. Banquet tables and chairs are available for rent. Unless otherwise coordinated with Nicole Wright, no provisions will be included with your designated space, whether indoors or outdoors.
Outdoor Vending Rules & Regulations
- All food vendors must have, and provide a copy to Wingfield Ministries, a Temporary Food Establishment Permit through the Virginia Health Department. These must be received by May 2, 2025. For more info, visit http://www.vdh.virginia,.gov/LHD/tj/index.asp.
- All vendors are permitted to sell water, soda, and other non-alcoholic drinks.
- All food options must be pre-approved to prevent duplication of food types.
- The Memorial Day Community Celebration organizers reserve the right to refuse admission to any organization and to inspect all food service and craft materials.
- Absolutely NO tobacco items, alcohol, foul language, or any type of firearms may be used during or sold during this event. (Tobacco users must use a designated pavilion in the parking area.)
- Organizations are responsible for all liability of injury or damages resulting from their involvement in this event. A statement of liability insurance must be submitted to Wingfield Ministries no later than May 15, 2025.
- Organizations are responsible for cleaning their spaces at the end of the day. Trash may be placed in the trash containers at the fairgrounds or hauled offsite by the organization.
- Organizations agree to refrain from politically and socially controversial activities. Wingfield Ministries reserves the right to refuse admission or shut down a booth at its sole discretion.