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Wingfield Ministries and Bob Detweiler Annual Golf Tournament – February 26, 2025

It is time to get those clubs out and play a round of golf at the pristine Ritz-Carlton Golf Club at 15150 70th Terrace East, Bradenton, Florida, on Wednesday, February 26, 2025! The tournament format is a four-person scramble with a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. A boxed lunch will be provided for all golfers, and a wonderful reception banquet will be enjoyed after the tournament. Participants will hear from Evangelist Steve Wingfield and new Wingfield Ministries President Scott Wenger as well as Bob Detweiler, the event host. Prizes will be awarded during dinner.
In addition to playing golf on a championship-level course and the opportunity to win prizes from local businesses, participants will receive a hat, a sleeve of golf balls, non-alcoholic drinks, lunch, and dinner.
The cost to be a part of our annual golf tournament is $340 per person. Tax-deductible contributions above the cost will further the work and mission of Wingfield Ministries. The deadline to register your team is Monday, February 3, 2025. To reserve your spot for this highly anticipated day, simply complete the registration form below. For more information, please contact Terry Wyant-Vargo at (540) 236-5989.