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Wingfield Ministries hosts banquets in celebration of what God is doing through the ministry as well as through our ministry partners.
These popular get-togethers consist of good food, good music, and more importantly, an evangelistic message given by Steve Wingfield.
We hope to see you at a banquet near you!
A gala is an event which combines delicious food, intimate fellowship, wonderful entertainment, and an inspiring message – all conducted in an elegant setting graced with unmatched personal service. Churches can hold galas as a cost-effective evangelistic outreach for women who want a unique and effective opportunity to introduce friends, co-workers, neighbors, or family members to the joys of Christian hospitality and the Christian life.

Galas extend the gift of hospitality on a grand scale and are always a much-talked-about event for a church’s social calendar. Contact us to find out more about holding a gala in your area. We offer some excellent materials, helpful guidelines, and creative ideas to help you.